Convicted by the Holy Spirit this morning, on how ungrateful we are, and how undeserving humanity is to receive the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. This song / video from Jeremy Camp and the The Passion resonated well with my soul this morning, and gave me a clear reminder of the sacrifice that was made for me.
Eph 2:4-9
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 i n order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.
Acts 17:26-28
And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for "'In him we live and move and have our being...Acts 17:26-28
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Mission trip to San Miguel-
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Well things have been really hectic and busy... First of all the "Door" is still open on the bike shop but its really a pain and time consuming, but if we pull this off (only c the shop will be used as a great platform to launch several other opportunities to further the kingdom. I pray that it all turns out well... Seminary is also very busy and I've been real behind, somehow I pulled off both my mid-terms (also by the grace of God), and surprisingly I feel pretty confident that I did well on them both.
This Friday we will be leaving and doing missions in a small town called San Miguel in Mexico, which is located in the central mountain range area of Mexico. I think this will seem more relaxing and a deep breath of fresh air, even though we will be doing some intense work, it will be therapy to my soul.
Special thanks to Terri for all the diapers that were donated, and special thanks to James for his wonderful contributions. Also thanks to everyone else who have either donated items, or just supported us in prayer.
God is blessing so much right now, its hard to stay up with it all, and at times I feel like giving up...but I know that deep down the Lord will strengthen and finish what He started...
Exodus 15:2The LORD is my strength and my song,and he has become my salvation;this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.
This Friday we will be leaving and doing missions in a small town called San Miguel in Mexico, which is located in the central mountain range area of Mexico. I think this will seem more relaxing and a deep breath of fresh air, even though we will be doing some intense work, it will be therapy to my soul.
Special thanks to Terri for all the diapers that were donated, and special thanks to James for his wonderful contributions. Also thanks to everyone else who have either donated items, or just supported us in prayer.
God is blessing so much right now, its hard to stay up with it all, and at times I feel like giving up...but I know that deep down the Lord will strengthen and finish what He started...
Exodus 15:2The LORD is my strength and my song,and he has become my salvation;this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Praying for an Open Door
What is an open door? How do we know to walk through it? How do we discern what is God's will and our own? many of these questions plague our minds daily. Am I participating or just getting in the way?
For now I'm praying and hoping that God will keep this open door open that I have found, and that I may walk through it for the right reasons instead of my own selfish desires. There is a business I feel that if given the right circumstances could be changed and reused to engage a city with the word of Truth, through the evangelistic efforts of my friend Kevin and I. At the same time we could be helping a addict recover and get his life back on track. Most business things I'm always confident about, this one I feel a bit nervous and almost ready to back out given the circumstances and predicaments that we may face. In the long run I see a positive future for both the business and the addict. At the same time I see how this could all go very bad. I pray that God will move in this if its His will, and that He would close this completely if it is not His plan for me. Soon we will see, so that all many hopefully hear...
For now I'm praying and hoping that God will keep this open door open that I have found, and that I may walk through it for the right reasons instead of my own selfish desires. There is a business I feel that if given the right circumstances could be changed and reused to engage a city with the word of Truth, through the evangelistic efforts of my friend Kevin and I. At the same time we could be helping a addict recover and get his life back on track. Most business things I'm always confident about, this one I feel a bit nervous and almost ready to back out given the circumstances and predicaments that we may face. In the long run I see a positive future for both the business and the addict. At the same time I see how this could all go very bad. I pray that God will move in this if its His will, and that He would close this completely if it is not His plan for me. Soon we will see, so that all many hopefully hear...
Update.... 3 years later this became and wonderful God centered business, Bullseye Bike Shop still runs today 100% debt free and reaches many with the gospel as a platform in Denton, TX. I currently sold my half of the business to go church plant in asia. Amazing what happens when we walk through open doors fully open handed, and waiting to see Gods glory in them.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
A Missiological Mindset. . .
When many people ask what i do for a living its sometimes hard to explain. depending on the conversation its easy to just say I'm a grad student, but then that leads to . . . " Well what do you study. I usually respond Missiology and then they are very confused. This always is followed by well what is that. . .This is when it gets exciting because that can lead to my favorite thing. . .Conversations about God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Back to this in a minute. . . First of all what is Missiology.
Missiology is the area of practical theology which investigates the mandate, message and work of the Christian missionary. Missiology is a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural reflexion on all aspects of the propagation of the Christian faith, embracing theology, anthropology, history, geography, theories and methods of communication, comparative religion, Christian apologetics, methodology, and interdenominational relations.
So in a nut shell, I'm a grad student who is currently developing a missiological mindset, so that I will be better prepared to engage, love and understand the culture and community I find myself in.
Now I know what some people may be thinking, Here's one of those crazy Christians out to beat me over the head with the bible and force his religion down my throat. Sorry not me, and I'm sorry for those who have encountered arrogant unloving people who call themselves Christians. The truth of the matter is I don't change peoples hearts or minds, that's up to God and if you don't believe in God or have many Gods that's ok also with me, that is your own personal belief and your entitled to it. But if you claim to be open minded and all for tolerance, you should have the mutual respect and tolerance for what I believe.
Regardless this blog is being set up to share my life and experiences with you. To connect and love the people and a world around me, as well as meet those who have a similar interest to better the world they live in regardless of diverse presuppositions.
Hope you enjoy what is to come.
Missiology is the area of practical theology which investigates the mandate, message and work of the Christian missionary. Missiology is a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural reflexion on all aspects of the propagation of the Christian faith, embracing theology, anthropology, history, geography, theories and methods of communication, comparative religion, Christian apologetics, methodology, and interdenominational relations.
So in a nut shell, I'm a grad student who is currently developing a missiological mindset, so that I will be better prepared to engage, love and understand the culture and community I find myself in.
Now I know what some people may be thinking, Here's one of those crazy Christians out to beat me over the head with the bible and force his religion down my throat. Sorry not me, and I'm sorry for those who have encountered arrogant unloving people who call themselves Christians. The truth of the matter is I don't change peoples hearts or minds, that's up to God and if you don't believe in God or have many Gods that's ok also with me, that is your own personal belief and your entitled to it. But if you claim to be open minded and all for tolerance, you should have the mutual respect and tolerance for what I believe.
Regardless this blog is being set up to share my life and experiences with you. To connect and love the people and a world around me, as well as meet those who have a similar interest to better the world they live in regardless of diverse presuppositions.
Hope you enjoy what is to come.
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